Thursday, 2 April 2009

Enter the Face Book Graduates!!.........

As a Training Company that specialising in Life, Business, Money and Enterprise Skills for Children and having recent attended a ‘blogs, pods and wikis’ seminar, lead by the lovely Sabra Swinson and Jason Sammon. I was particularly interested in the article recently published in the Daily Mail.

‘Enter the Face book graduates’.....

If you thought online social networking was just an idle pastime, think again!!

A university is to offer a master degree covering sites such as Face book, Twitter and Bebo.
Students will learn how to set up blogs and podcasts online and also how to use the sites in communications and marketing!!

So which students will this appeal too...ones just looking to go into professions including journalism and PR? Or will many more industries need this as a string to their bow?!

So this new ‘social media’ is the network to be in for sure!

Posted by Donna Cranny of Eureka Schools -

1 comment:

  1. Agree, particular sites will come and go but interacting with each other through social media, and online forums is undobtedly the pervasive way things will be done.. so that's why I think that although it might feel a bit like a waste of time at the moment (if you're over 25!) it's really important to get familiar with these phenomenon so you don't wake up and find youself totally on the outside edge of things in a few years time!!
