Anybody involved in
trying to actually deliver the Government’s Youth Contract already knew it was
a farce and today a group of MPs reviewing it made it official.
“The government's youth contract is not
enough to tackle the scale of youth unemployment”, a group of MPs has said. The
youth contract provides £1bn for a range of schemes aimed at getting young
people into work.
Labour's shadow work and
pensions secretary Liam Byrne said the report showed the government's plan for
youth jobs "is failing and we need
to change course fast”. He added: "This is now a very
loud wake-up call, at a time when the country is in a double-dip recession made
in Downing Street."
The report talks
about many reasons why it is failing miserably, such as it being largely targeted
at 16-18 year olds without a SINGLE GCSE. This is a ridiculously narrow and
meaningless criteria. Is it really only those without a single qualification that
needs help? I think the average 8 year old could work out the answer to that
The report talks about difficulties
in identifying people who qualify. (That’ll be because the government cuts have
ripped out the infrastructure that tracked and worked with challenged young
people (youth workers and Connexions) in what was some unbelievably
short-termist approaches to savings that is now coming back to haunt!)
But the real gorilla
in the committee room was not mentioned but it’s a massive barrier to effective
implementation - the inconceivably absurd levels of bureaucracy and punitive
commercial terms attached to the contract.
The paperwork and
administration involved for the youth contract and indeed many other such
government schemes is truly astounding. Much of it is duplication and pointless
bureaucracy. To actually deliver appropriate reporting and control it could reasonably
be cut by two thirds. The photo above is of the paperwork for a 6 day course
for 15 young people!! And what it means is that more time is being taken up on
admin and paperwork than in working with the young people and that is surely
outrageous. Why is the report not screaming about this?
The other major
barrier is around actually finding quality providers to deliver the programmes.
Providers only get paid for delivery 6 months in arrears dependent on
successful outcomes, i.e. getting jobs for these young people without a single
GCSE, who are competing with the other 2 million unemployed. This is a cash
flow and commercial risk of epic proportions that few quality providers are
prepared to take on. We know of at least 3 major providers of programmes for
NEET young people who declined to even bid for the work because it was simply
set up to fail.
If one was being
cynical you could look at the T&Cs attached to delivery of the youth
contract and think perhaps they were designed to be unachievable such that the
much touted “£1billion programme” will not actually cost the government
anywhere near that! Is it perhaps another elaborate case of Government Spin?
The risk of 1
million unemployed young people to the country is immense; social unrest,
development of an underclass, to say nothing of the welfare costs and the
immense waste of human potential. In light of this it is nothing short of an
outrage that the government’s response to it in the youth contract is so
totally and fatally flawed.