Gaming the way ahead for
For the nearly 1 million young million
people who are classed as ‘NEET’ (Not in Education, Employment or Training) the
future in the current economic climate is very uncertain. For young people who
are lacking in qualifications their situation may feel very bleak.
a number of reason students are leaving education unengaged, having not reached
their full potential. If the UK is to tackle the rising problem of NEETS and
all the associated problems that go with them it is key that we find a way to
re-engage with these young people.
Youth has been pioneering new training methods for this sector of the NEET
population. Their approach is to engage with the students using a medium that
they enjoy and respond to; the world of electronic gaming.
at first glance if you were to drop in on a Eureka training course you may just
see a group of young people playing on a Playstation. However if you were to
stop and look more closely you would see the students developing skills in
sales and marketing, ITC, CV writing, time management and project skills.
Games are an area that young people can relate to and more importantly it is an
area they are willing share their opinions and knowledge of. At Eureka we’ve
taken the Playstation platform to develop practical training that gives young
people transferable skills that they can take to an organisation
of our current programmes is using the popular game ‘Little Big Planet’ to
introduce the concepts of sales, marketing to the group. During the 6 week
programme students will develop their own business plans which will include the
areas of sales and marketing, finance, IT development. Alongside this the students will also be
developing their ‘soft skills’ in CV writing, presentation, report writing and
time management.
gaming industry as a whole now makes more money than Hollywood and the UK is a
leading play in the gaming sector. This is an industry which is constantly
adapting with new product development, sales and marketing all playing a
crucial part in the success of businesses operating in this sector making it a
perfect choice on which to build our unique training around.
Youth offer training for both NEETS and Pre-NEETS and are currently offering
training courses in the Bedfordshire, Hertfordshire and London areas.