Tuesday, 29 September 2009

Rotary Youth Speaks – Public Speaking Competition on 19th November 2009 - supported by Eureka Schools

Rotary Youth Speaks – Public Speaking Competition on 19th November 2009

The competition is open to teams of three people representing their school in an Intermediate and Upper category. Each team chooses their own subject on which to speak. The team consists of a Chairperson, who has two minutes to welcome the audience and to introduce the Speaker and his or her subject matter. The Speaker is then allowed six minutes on their chosen subject, after which they should be prepared to answer one question from a Questioner. After this the Chairperson should introduce the third member of the team who proposes a Vote of Thanks, can sum up and respond to the question for two minutes.

The winning teams will progress to a District Final due to be in February 2010, and thereafter to Regional and National Finals.

The two age groups mentioned are: Intermediate for pupils under the age of 14 on 31st August 2009, and Upper for those students 14 and over, but under 18 on the same date.

Posted by Donna Cranny 29th Sept 2009

Tuesday, 22 September 2009

Eureka Schools - Newsletter - September 2009

Eureka Schools - Newsletter

September 2009 -
Enterprise Week – 16-22nd November 2009

IN THIS ISSUEEnterprise Week 16th to 22nd November - 'What's your approach?

Eureka provides services to help schools and other organisations in their delivery of Enterprise, Work Related Learning, Life Skills and Citizenship programmes. We deliver engaging and motivational training events and curriculum, with differentiated programmes, targeting students from 9 to 19 years of age.

All Eureka programmes are delivered by our expert trainers (all CRB Checked) and aimed at increasing the personal performance of staff and students to reach their potential
QUICK LINKSwww.eurekaschools.co.uk
Offering a Alternative Fun Approach to Enterprise, Money and Business

Are you looking for an exciting activity day for your students?

Do you want to broaden your school’s Enterprise and Financial Literacy programmes?

With Enterprise Week fast approaching – 16-22nd November 2009.

Why not be ahead of the game and call us to find out how we could help and support you with your Enterprise Activities!

Eureka provides exciting, motivational and fun workshops, designed to give young people more choices in life based around starting a business and personal money management.

Our programmes cover Entrepreneurship, starting a real Micro-Business and Financial Literacy, and are designed to coach students in developing new personal skills. Our programmes are flexible and suitable to any timetable.

For more Information and Details of our Programmes -
Contact: Donna Cranny on 07758 414091
Or email dcranny@eurekaschools.co.uk or visit our web site www.eurekaschools.co.uk